“Nothing like a nice campfire!” said My’ra, warming her hands over the flame.
“Nothing like a nice, warm inn room,” grumbled Din.
“Snack Time,” said a pair of wolves.

Much Excitement and Mayhem ensued…

A short time later…

“Nothing like a nice campfire!” yipped one wolf to the other, curling up before the fire.
“Come on, let’s hide!” said the second wolf. “Maybe more snacks will come along!”
Hiding in the trees, Din whispered to My’ra: “I think we may need some more party members.”
“Yes,” whispered My’ra back. “Like a bard. Or a bartender!”
“Exactly. Only, you know, someone useful,” agreed Din.
My’ra and Din painted by Book of the Dead.
Twitter: @bugg_bill
Instagram: @botdpainting
Wolves and Campfire painted by Simon’s Magic Shoppe.
STL Files from Thingiverse.com
All figures printed by Simon’s Magic Shoppe.
My’ra and Din need gold for adventuring. Help them out on Patreon.