What Happens When You Leave Your 3D Resin Print Outside?
Can you leave your 3D Resin print sitting outside in the hot sun? A brave little werewolf miniature finds out!
Can you leave your 3D Resin print sitting outside in the hot sun? A brave little werewolf miniature finds out!
How to install a 3D printed motor mount and electrical box to automate a grape destemmer for the home winemaker.
What type of 3D filament is before for 3D printing items that will be outside in the sun and heat?
An updated guide to removing supports from 3D Resin Prints.
Two of the most commonly used 3D Printing techniques are Resin and FDM. Both have unique advantages and disadvantages.
What kind of Printer is best for 3D printing miniatures? A comparison of Filament vs Resin printers.
Can I leave my 3D Resin Printed Miniature out in the sun? Yes! Short term sun and heat exposure is OK for your 3D resin print.
Some easy things to troubleshoot on your 3D resin printer if you are getting failed prints.
Step by Step instructions on how to replace the FEP on a Photon Mono X 3D Resin Printer.
We’ve updated our method of cleaning 3D resin prints to be even easier and more time-saving.