Whether it’s a mini-fig to join your next table top gaming session, a sculpture to keep you company at your desk while you game on-line, or a bust to inspire you from your mantle, let us help you bring your heroes and villains out of your imagination and into the real world!
First, you’ll need an STL file. You can build your own 3D model at sites like Hero Forge or Eldritch Foundry. When you have your figure the way like it, you’ll need to pay a small fee to save the character as an STL file. Or check out Thingiverse or cgtrader to see models other people have designed, often available for free or for a small donation. You can even design your own 3D figures and shapes using programs like Blender (it’s free!).

Next, you can email us the file at info@simonsmagicshoppe.com or send us the link where we can download it on-line.
You can pay us for your 3D print through Etsy. Contact us if you’re not sure which size would be right for you. Odd shaped figures that need a custom price are welcome. Bulk discounts are available if you need a whole army. Decide how much prep work you’d like us do for you. All figures will be cleaned, printing supports removed, and then cured (read more about the process here). There may still be some sanding and prep work required; we’d be happy to take care of that for you, along with priming the figure so it’s ready to paint when you receive it.

We also offer painting services!

We always package your figures carefully so they arrive intact and ready for their next adventure.
Have fun gaming!
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