Let your minis look their best by giving them a fancy display stand. Specifically designed to show off tabletop miniatures, our display products are printed in classy marble-colored filament.
Our bleachers, or risers, have steps perfectly sized for your miniatures to stand on, while there’s a large platform at the top to show off your larger pieces. See how much easier it is to see the individual figures in these group shots once the pieces are given steps to stand on.

Our circle stand is perfect for showing off the centerpiece of your collection. This 6 inch tall werewolf looks truly epic on his own marble pedestal!

Pre-printed stands are available through our shoppe. Contact us about designing and printing a stand that is specifically sized to your needs!
Want to print your own display stand? The STL files are available (for free!) on Thingiverse.com. You can find the rectangular bleachers here and the large circular stand here. If you can give me a tip I’d appreciate it!
The skeletons and goblins posing for the photos were designed by My3DPrintForge. The giant werewolf was designed by 3Dsof San.
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